Anirut Chamsri aka Refectz
He is a Thai amateur gamer who has been very active in the esports community these few years.
He is the attack and support of the team.
The game he plays the most is PUBG Mobile.
He just started streaming since recently but he enjoys streaming a lot and being highly engaged with audiences.
Gamer / Game Streamer
He has participated in different tournaments throughout the years and has won many of them with his teammates.
He has joined a few gaming teams before Yesports and is hoping to strike for the best this year with us.
Ace Arena Tounament Final 1st place
AIS espect walk in 2nd place
Zowie Tournament 1st place
Suphanburri city championship
APL Pro League Champiomship SS4 1st place
PUBG mobile Clan funny challenge ep1 1st place
PUBG mobile Clan funny challenge ep2 2nd place